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Work Programs
Offering a full spectrum of work training and experience, to best meet the service needs of persons with mild to moderate disabilities. Help to build a basic work foundation for those with little to no previous job experience. Assisting individuals with disabilities to find jobs in competitive integrated employment settings. Learn how to get started.
Day Training Activity Center
Goal: To provide a variety of activities and services within a training curriculum to individuals with disabilities. This includes critical and functional life skills, self-help training, recreation, vocational training / paid work and other opportunities. The focus is on the individual achieving a normalized, independent and productive life to the fullest extent possible.
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Work Activity
programProviding job skills training for the individual with little or no previous work experience, the Work Activity Program (WAP) is designed to provide basic foundational training to get and keep a job and to earn a paycheck.
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Supported Employment Work Groups
Providing enhanced job skills training in community integrated work settings. The Supported Employment Group (SEP-G) program is designed to build on basic work skills, to foster work ethics and develop soft skills, job stamina and improved productivity, all while earning an hourly wage.
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Individual Job Placement Programs
Looking for a job in the community? Look to PSW for assistance in Resume creation, Interview preparation, Job search, Placement and Follow-up advocacy. We are here to ensure your success in the workplace!
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